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Category Archives: Info Talks
March! at the Red and Black Umbrella – a week of events for the new Spring…
Public Meeting: Resisting the North Wales Mega Prison
About the Prison
The idea of a new mega-prisons in the UK emerged in 2008, but failed due to opposition. Now back on the agenda, planning permission was granted in January 2014 for a Category C prison with the capacity to hold 2,100 adult male prisoners in Wrexham, North Wales.
Like all prisons, it will imprison poor, working class people, individuals with mental health challenges & learning disabilities, abuse survivors as well as people of colour and immigrants. The prison will cost more than £250 million to build.
Why organise in South Wales?
Several of the companies involved in the project are based in Wales. Resistance to the prison will need to be taken to the companies themselves. Once built, the prison will need to be kept full to ensure it is a profitable enterprise. People from communities in Wales and the North West will be who are sent there to ensure private companies can continue to profit from caging human beings.
For more info:
or for the local group in Cardiff, email: info[@]cape-campaign[dot]org
Break the Chains – A day for empowering ourselves and each other!
A Day of Empowering Music, Workshops, Info Talks…
…Upcycling, self-defence, films, discussions incl. action on FGM and pro-choice, riot grrl tunes, vegan grub, vagina cupcakes, music…
…bring your own poetry/zines/whatever…and it’s all family friendly!
Evening music from 6pm:
Petrol Girls – south london feminist anarcho restless ragey punk
Twisted – garagy hardcore punk from south wales
Efa Supertramp – political acoustic bilingual folk punk
Big Red – anarcho folk punk grrl with guitar
Rufus Mufasa – bilingual spokenword poet and hiphop artist
Little Eris - psychadelic electropop from cardiff
Dancing Queer – bellydancing with a twist
Donation £3 – profit to Women Seeking Sanctuary Advocacy Group –
Drink Tolerated (From 6pm) Drunkenness NOT.
‘This is England’ film screening
On Thursday 20th March, the RBU is proud to present a Film screening of ‘This is England’, followed by a discussion on ‘how we can oppose the National Front’.
Vegan food and popcorn (for donation) will also be served..- Join us from 7pm.
This Is England is a 2006 British drama film written and directed by Shane Meadows. The story centres on young skinheads in England in 1983. The film illustrates how their subculture, which has its roots in 1960s West Indian culture, especially ska, soul, and reggae music,[4][5] became adopted by white nationalists, which led to divisions within the skinhead scene. The film’s title is a direct reference to a scene where the character Combo explainshis nationalist views using the phrase “this is England” during his speech.
And join a few of us afterwards as we head to ‘Strictly Bounce’ – a fundraiser for Stop NATO Cymru at Undertone on Church Street.
10pm – 3am // £3 Entry.
Featuring: Greggerz, Wowza, Dash & App, D#mental, Steady Jay.
Birthday Festival Announcement! 1st-2nd November 2013
We are very pleased to announce that our friends Will Tun and the Wasters will be travelling down to play our 2 year birthday party this Saturday!
(There will be a zine program for the event up online this week with more information and updated times, there are sure to be some changes to times and acts, so keep an eye out)
Here is a vague outline of what is to come this weekend!
Friday 1st November
4pm Doors open.
4.15-5pm Squat cracking workshop/ Q+A. What better way to break open the event?
6pm Onwards, Live music. The night will be opened with a short open mic session/jam, then we welcome various local support acts including Emma Musty, Emy Lou, Chili, Tree of sound and Taffy Twp to play. Also travelling down to open is Ash Victim- A DIY folk-punk singer-songwriter not to be missed!
The night will be headlined by Special Guests TBA.
Saturday 2nd November
4pm Doors open.
Vegan food will be provided by Food Not Bombs.
There will be a Badger Cull info stall with people present to answer any questions you may have about the cull or being in the cull zone.
Ble Mae Ellen Mai? will launch the new edition of ‘Bitch’ zine.
The free shop and Radical Library will be open as usual.
4.15-4.55pm Anti-raid workshop/Q+A. Updates about what the UKBA have been up to recently, including new laws and tactics being used. What we as individuals can do to help Asylum seekers and Refugees.
5-5.55pm- Screening of ‘Coconut Revolution’. The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island.
The movement is described as the “world’s first successful eco-revolution“.
6pm Onwards Live music from more local support TBA and Daf and Jay of Kilnaboy.
9.45-11pm- Will Tun and the Wasters. Don’t miss it!
Sunday 3rd November
12pm Sustainable energies workshop.
3pm Film screening of ‘Gasland- part 2′.
5.30pm Relaxed board games and open mic.
If you would like to volunteer at this event please contact us [07596821368]
Volunteering can be anything from helping to cook, stewarding for half hour on the door or behind the bar, helping to keep communal areas tidy by litter picking or just being around to help if and when we may need it.
The festival is suggested donation, nobody will be turned away if they cannot afford to pay.
Drink tolerated, drunkenness not.
We ask that nobody smoke indoors before 9pm.
Any profits made will be split between Cardiff squat funds and Freedom press bookshop in London.
We hope you can make it! Emy xx
The Red and Black Umbrella Collective Cordially Invite you to our Two Year Anniversary Birthday Shenanigans….
If you’re organised enough to carry ’round a diary (I am definitely not) penciling in the
1st AND 2nd of November is highly advisable as it will see our first festival!
A two day event ending on the 2nd November to celebrate 2 YEARS of the occupied building in Cardiff. Easy enough to remember, right?
Beginning as a vague plan to host an Anarcho-Folk festival in Cardiff; the event has now evolved into a two day celebration of the ‘Brolly.
The space it has provided us has been invaluable to many, so we invite anyone and everybody who has shared the space with us to come, in particular any guests we have had to stay, musicians who’ve played and individuals who’ve led any lessons or workshops. Please come and celebrate with us!
This is an open event and will be donation upon entry to pay the acts who are travelling. Any excess money donated to us will go towards Cardiff squat funds and to Freedom Press Bookshop (who are still raising money to repair their shop and replace up to 700 books lost after fascists petrol-bombed their shop earlier this year).
Nobody will be refused entry if they cannot pay.
We will be releasing more information over the next two weeks to keep you all in suspense, just know that you will need your best dancing boots and both headliners will be supported by amazing local acts and musicians.
If you would like to play at the festival, run a stall or workshop on either of the days get in touch.
Also, any help with cooking or supplying skipped/vegan food for the festival would be much appreciated as we will have many mouths to feed!
Doors TBA
Drink tolerated after 7pm, Drunkenness not.
No drugs, no thugs!
Love and Peas, Emy xx
No Borders info-night on the Moroccan border
No Borders Morocco :-
Solidarity with the self-organised resistance
of migrants in Morocco to the EU Border control regime by European anarchists staying in Tangiers, a city on the Morocco-Spain/Africa-EU border.
We’re unable to host the talk tonight as no-one from No Borders Morocco can make it due to an ongoing issue in another city…
…but we’re happy instead to show the film 14 Kilómetros, by Gerardo Olivares, about the situation there. One of the activists plans to come to Cardiff to share some of the info-talk prepared, and the music that’s been written there, another time soon.
The location has also changed…
New details:
Tonight (17th July) at Cardiff’s newest squat – on Moira Terrace, opposite the prison.
There will be a film screening of Gerardo Olivares’ movie “14 Kilometros”
8pm to 11pm.
More info about the group –
Jail Break – All Day Fundraiser
On saturday the 13th of july, cardiff abc has organised a one day anti-prison event at the red and black umbrella. The event aims at creating a wider awareness and critique of the ever expanding prison society and people’s struggles against it.
The event will run from 1-11 and is split into two distinct parts.
From 1-6 there will be space for meetings, discussions, talks, workshops and skillshares, for the most part the discussions will be relatively informal and structureless so as to not stifle creativity and originality. We are asking attendees to not bring alcohol to this portion of the event
to discourage all day drinking and encourage clear, sober and respectful interaction.
From 6-11(ish) there will be a variety of music and poetry being
performed. There is a suggested donation of £5 for this portion of the
event with any excess after costs going to cardiff abc to distribute to
various prisoners/defendants that we are in contact with (for more info on
this just ask.)
There will be hot vegan food available from the beginning of the event, as
well as a variety of relevant zines; all for donation.
Hope to see you there.
Cardiff Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)
Postal: Cardiff ABC, c/o Red & Black Umbrella, 57-58 Clifton St, Adamsdown, Cardiff, Wales, CF24 1LS.
Queer & Queer Allies Talk
On Saturday 2nd March, alongside the regular free cafe from 4pm, there will be a Queer and Queer Allies Talk @ the Red and Black Umbrella.
It will be an open space for LGBT+, queer and allies to meet, talk and share information, literature and music over a cup of tea and some biscuits.
All welcome, leave prejudices at the door.
**Time changed because of clash with pro choice demo 2-4pm St. Mary St.**