If you’re organised enough to carry ’round a diary (I am definitely not) penciling in the
1st AND 2nd of November is highly advisable as it will see our first festival!
A two day event ending on the 2nd November to celebrate 2 YEARS of the occupied building in Cardiff. Easy enough to remember, right?
Beginning as a vague plan to host an Anarcho-Folk festival in Cardiff; the event has now evolved into a two day celebration of the ‘Brolly. 
The space it has provided us has been invaluable to many, so we invite anyone and everybody who has shared the space with us to come, in particular any guests we have had to stay, musicians who’ve played and individuals who’ve led any lessons or workshops. Please come and celebrate with us!
This is an open event and will be donation upon entry to pay the acts who are travelling. Any excess money donated to us will go towards Cardiff squat funds and to Freedom Press Bookshop (who are still raising money to repair their shop and replace up to 700 books lost after fascists petrol-bombed their shop earlier this year).
Nobody will be refused entry if they cannot pay.
We will be releasing more information over the next two weeks to keep you all in suspense, just know that you will need your best dancing boots and both headliners will be supported by amazing local acts and musicians.
If you would like to play at the festival, run a stall or workshop on either of the days get in touch.
Also, any help with cooking or supplying skipped/vegan food for the festival would be much appreciated as we will have many mouths to feed!
Doors TBA
Drink tolerated after 7pm, Drunkenness not.
No drugs, no thugs!
Love and Peas, Emy xx