We are very pleased to announce that our friends Will Tun and the Wasters will be travelling down to play our 2 year birthday party this Saturday!

(There will be a zine program for the event up online this week with more information and updated times, there are sure to be some changes to times and acts, so keep an eye out)
Here is a vague outline of what is to come this weekend!
Friday 1st November
4pm Doors open.
4.15-5pm Squat cracking workshop/ Q+A. What better way to break open the event?
6pm Onwards, Live music. The night will be opened with a short open mic session/jam, then we welcome various local support acts including Emma Musty, Emy Lou, Chili, Tree of sound and Taffy Twp to play. Also travelling down to open is Ash Victim- A DIY folk-punk singer-songwriter not to be missed!
The night will be headlined by Special Guests TBA.
Saturday 2nd November
4pm Doors open.
Vegan food will be provided by Food Not Bombs.
There will be a Badger Cull info stall with people present to answer any questions you may have about the cull or being in the cull zone.
Ble Mae Ellen Mai? will launch the new edition of ‘Bitch’ zine.
The free shop and Radical Library will be open as usual.
4.15-4.55pm Anti-raid workshop/Q+A. Updates about what the UKBA have been up to recently, including new laws and tactics being used. What we as individuals can do to help Asylum seekers and Refugees.
5-5.55pm- Screening of ‘Coconut Revolution’. The Coconut Revolution is a 2001 multi-award winning documentary about the struggle of the indigenous peoples of Bougainville Island.
The movement is described as the “world’s first successful eco-revolution“.
6pm Onwards Live music from more local support TBA and Daf and Jay of Kilnaboy.
9.45-11pm- Will Tun and the Wasters. Don’t miss it!
Sunday 3rd November
12pm Sustainable energies workshop.
3pm Film screening of ‘Gasland- part 2′.
5.30pm Relaxed board games and open mic.
If you would like to volunteer at this event please contact us [07596821368]
Volunteering can be anything from helping to cook, stewarding for half hour on the door or behind the bar, helping to keep communal areas tidy by litter picking or just being around to help if and when we may need it.
The festival is suggested donation, nobody will be turned away if they cannot afford to pay.
Drink tolerated, drunkenness not.
We ask that nobody smoke indoors before 9pm.
Any profits made will be split between Cardiff squat funds and Freedom press bookshop in London.
We hope you can make it! Emy xx