Tag Archives: women

AgrrrlsCaerdydd Film Screening of “The Punk Singer”


AgrrrlsCaerdydd host a Film Screening of “The Punk Singer” with discussion afterwards.

From 4pm @ Porters, Harlech Court, Bute Terrace, Cardiff CF10 2FE

“Kathleen Hanna, lead singer of the punk band Bikini Kill and dance-punk trio Le Tigre, rose to national attention as the reluctant but never shy voice of the riot grrrl movement. She became one of the most famously outspoken feminist icons, a cultural lightning rod.

We will be discussing feminism, women and spaces as well as any other themes arising from this film after. Be good to see people there!”

Here’s the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMbLzaVkn2s


The Laboratory of Futureful acts- Women’s(only) body language workshop

We are going to step outside of the ordinary the normed and find ourselvesin a group that is female dominated in number.

Saturday 9th November, 2013. 2.30pm

Groups are rarely that,
they are mostly mixed or male dominated,  as a gender we often do not have
much access to female social space. Social space,-club space eating or
drinking space, is male dominated. The street is mixed.
In order to be sure of this we must skew the balance against the norm and
draw the invitation line at women only. This is a group conciseness window
which we can use to experience Normed human interactions objectively.
I want us to explore body language, space and status, using theatre games
and demonstrations.
The best way is by having fun. This is not about being deadly serious.
