G8 Info Talk and Pot Luck Dinner

In 2013 the UK is once again host to the G8 Summit for the first time since 2005, eight world leaders from the most powerful capitalist nations are meeting here on our home turf.

The G8 facilitates irresponsible greed, corporate protectionism, overwhelming inequality and ruthless exploitation. It is here, at the G8 summit, that the economic, political and military objectives for the year ahead will be discussed and agreed.

So while the global elite plot their next actions to pillage and plunder the land, our homes and our minds let’s relax and have a nice spot of dinner.

Come along on Saturday 2nd February from 6pm with (or without) a VEGAN meal to share with others. There will be a short presentation on the G8 and why it should be opposed, an update by the stop G8 network and hopefully plenty of discussion.