Tag Archives: music video

The truth is in there, as zombies take over RBU…

A one-night zombie-invasion came to the RBU last week as zombies filled the bar and the gig-room…luckily some nifty folks got it on film and turned it into a music video for that artist known as Cosmo…

You can watch the music video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x4a6srwA4M

And find out more about the illustrious work of Cosmo here: http://cosmoguitar.net


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Thankfully by the end of the weekend, most of the zombies had cleared off, possibly to take on some other act, (like the status quo? or maybe even queen?), and usual social centre milarky resumed shortly afterwards…to continue into the winter…something really sending a shiver down our spines!

Thanks again to all for the great night!

All power to the un-dead!