GM minutes 1st April 2014


Feedback from gigs & People’s Kitchen

Carnival on Clifton Street


Gig with Perkie

Poetry, live acts, underground hip-hop, open-mic event

Welsh nights

Accommodation Network List

Squatting/Eviction Resistance workshop on ATC at end of May.


Garden workshop / Allotment


Feedback from gigs & People’s Kitchen. Reminder of no photography policy. Only promotional photography? Agreed. (By musicians’ own publicity, only of musicians, in gig room preferably.) Photo-shoots in people’s rooms happened in the past for student projects, and up to each person with room.

New hip-hop, spoken word night. Agreed. Date tbc. Wait for suggestion from ZM.

Facebook policy? No groups, no pages, no events, only shares. Heads up that things are happening are ok.

Carnival! – Be a part of it? Last year it didn’t reach our end of C.St. Ask for it to do so? Be there with free food, promotional flyers etc?

Publicity meeting – April 15th – 6pm – to be texted out.

Getting Welsh nights going again. MJ to be contacted with those interested.

Crash space. Same as ever. No new lists needed, just numbers.

Workshop on squatting. PJ to contact JV and NP to contact folks in other cities. LR could be good on this.

Meditation – off for a few weeks. Either back then or may look for somewhere else.

Gardening – enough interest for working group to be set up. BJ to show PJ back of the building. Group has link to some allotment space. Potential for future growth!

Next meeting – Tuesday 6th May, 6pm. (Plus publicity meeting on April 15th)