GM Minutes 7th October 2014


Safer Spaces update

Cinema nights

Working groups


Self defence classes

Anniversary Event

More regular meetings


Safer spaces update

Draft policy of updated Safer Spaces policy to be printed and brought to next meeting.


Cinema nights

Proposal for regular film nights on Tuesday nights. This would clash with Sgwrs Cymraeg and make some Tuesday evenings very long for those attending Social Centre meetings. Sgwrs Cymraeg could move to Mondays but this would be unfair when Film nights could also be on a different night of the week instead. To be reviewed in the future and Sgwrs Cymraeg to stay on Tuesdays.


Working groups

Call out for people to get involved in the working groups.



No regular day likely but a one-off workday will happen soon to fix the leaky roof.


Self defence classes

These will not start for sometime as the proposer is currently away.


Anniversary Event

As the Friday after our 3rd anniversary now clashes with a big event in the city centre that many people will be at, it was proposed to have a week of events the following week. Agreed.

People to meet and discuss more the planning for the week of events. They will include a People’s Kitchen, film night, radical info-talk, open mic night and hip hop night.


More regular meetings

Proposal – to have General Meetings every two weeks instead of once a month.

This would help get things moving faster now there is more energy for events etc.

Working group meetings would happen whenever one was called.

Proposal agreed.


Next General Meeting – Tuesday 21st October at 6pm.